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SA Centre for Mental Health

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Kliniese Sielkundiges

Louis Awerbuck
Johannes Schickerling

is a clinical psychologist that has been in private practice since 1995. Specialising in psychotherapy with adults and couples, as well as psychological assessment, medico-legal testimony and sport psychology. He worked with several individual athletes on a provincial, national and Olympic level, with the aim of improving performance. Louis sometimes acts as consultant for corporate companies in the areas of leadership development, change management and interpersonal skills training.

is a clinical psychologist involved in psychotherapy with children, adolescents and adults. He specializes in the assessment and treatment of conditions related to neurodiversity (autism spectrum). Furthermore, Johannes has extensive and international experience in the treatment of addiction. Since 2009, Johannes’ private practice has been focused on psychotherapy with children. He especially utilises play therapy to understand the inner world of the child, and to achieve change in behaviour.


Sielkundige dienste

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Online sielkundige dienste

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Verskeie onderwerpe

Algemene Angs - wat beteken die diagnose?
Nagmerries - wat ouers moet weet.
Verandering - is dit vir jou maklik of moeilik?
Agorafobie (ruimtevrees) - hoe dit mense se lewens kan oorneem.
Is jou kind okay? - hoe ouers kan seker maak.
Bedrieër-sindroom (Imposter Syndrome)
Frustrasie Toleransie - wat OUERS moet weet
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Algemene Angs - wat beteken die diagnose?
Algemene Angs - wat beteken die diagnose?
Nagmerries - wat ouers moet weet.
Nagmerries - wat ouers moet weet.
Verandering - is dit vir jou maklik of moeilik?
Verandering - is dit vir jou maklik of moeilik?
Agorafobie (ruimtevrees) - hoe dit mense se lewens kan oorneem.
Agorafobie (ruimtevrees) - hoe dit mense se lewens kan oorneem.
Is jou kind okay? - hoe ouers kan seker maak.
Is jou kind okay? - hoe ouers kan seker maak.
Bedrieër-sindroom (Imposter Syndrome)
Bedrieër-sindroom (Imposter Syndrome)
Frustrasie Toleransie - wat OUERS moet weet
Frustrasie Toleransie - wat OUERS moet weet
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Interesting Information

September 30, 2021 deur Louis Awerbuck

Die COVID-19 pandemie se invloed op sielkundige trauma

Daar het ’n kollektiewe apokaliptiese bries oor die mensdom kom hang sedert Maart 2020. Die virale pandemie het ’n voor die hand liggende en kwantifiseerbare traumatiese impak op die samelewing in sy geheel veroorsaak. Mense word siek. Geliefdes word aan die dood afgestaan. Miljoene ekstroverte se lewensenergie word maand vir maand gedreineer weens die gebrek aan interaksie.

April 14, 2021 by Louis Awerbuck

Phobia: The Fear that Makes No Sense

About 10% of the adult population experience unrealistic or “illogical” fears, which are called phobias. Phobias are normally not sensible, and people suffering from specific phobias realise the illogical nature of their fears. For example, people who are intensely scared of spiders normally realise that almost all spiders are harmless, and that spiders are probable more scared of humans than the other way around.

February 26, 2021 by Louis Awerbuck

Obsessive-Compulsive behaviour increases as a result of COVID-19

During a pandemic people struggling with OCD symptoms can worsen considerably. Individuals who obsessed with cleanliness and hygiene before the onset of COVID-19 will especially be affected. They are likely to obsess more about the risk of contamination and would be inclined to increase their frequency of compulsive cleaning or scrubbing.

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Interesting Information

Januarie 15, 2021 deur Louis Awerbuck

Veranderinge in die konteks van Covid

Tydens Maart 2020 het die meeste mense gedink dat die effek van COVID-19 teen Augustus 2020 verby sou wees. Toe dit blyk om nie die geval te wees nie, was die hoop en vertroue darem daar dat 2021 verligting sou bring. Dit is egter nou duidelik dat die pandemie die manier hoe ons na die wêreld om ons kyk, onherroeplik verander het. Die mensdom sal nooit weer op dieselfde manier dink aan rituele soos om mekaar ‘n handdruk te gee nie.

November 12, 2020 by Louis Awerbuck

Understanding Anxiety in the time of COVID-19

The sudden occurrence of a pandemic like COVID-19 is a harsh reminder that we actually are not in control of our environment and that unexpected things can happen at any moment. The fact that we are not really in control is a fact that does not sit easy with humans, as it provokes excessive anxiety about what might happen.

Oktober 16, 2020 deur Louis Awerbuck

Middeljare krisis

Die sogenaamde middeljare is die tydperk waartydens die meeste mense begin gekonfronteer word met hulle sterflikheid, asook die wete dat daar nie eindelose produktiewe jare is wat voorlê nie. By mans is hierdie lewensfase min of meer van toepassing tussen 40 en 55, en by vroue 35 tot 50. Menige beskrywings en definisies word aan hierdie tydperk in mense se lewe gegee.

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Interesting Information

August 25, 2020 by Louis Awerbuck

Overeating escalates during pandemics like Covid-19

During May 2020, the data analysis company Ipsos conducted a large online poll (16 000 individuals) among South Africans. Individuals were asked which psychological difficulties they experienced as a result of Covid-19. The results indicated that 29% of individuals reported that they indulge in overeating.

July 20, 2020 by Louis Awerbuck

Stigmatising in the time of COVID-19

While it is understandable that people experience uncertainty, panic and stress in these times, stigmatising an individual or group of people is basically discrimination based on irrational fears and the need to blame. Stigmatisation, especially with the context of COVID-19, is almost always based on a lack of information and lack of understanding.

Mei 19, 2020 deur Louis Awerbuck

Die siekte van ons tyd

Wêreldwyd word gepraat van ‘n “depressie-epidemie”, en alhoewel hierdie gemoedstryd so algemeen in ‘n modern wêreld geword het, lyk dit asof mense nog nie besef hoe gevaarlik die toestand is nie. Om maar enkele voorbeelde te noem: In Suid-Afrika is depressie die tweede grootste oorsaak van sterftes by mense tussen die ouderdomme van 15 en 25.

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Interesting Information

May 13, 2020 by Louis Awerbuck

A Rational Relationship?

Human beings are more irrational than rational. Put in different terms, the reason/s why people act the way they do are more than often not logical and cannot be explained rationally. If this was not the case, the world we live in would have been governed by factual, rational arguments and differences would have been sorted out peacefully and for the greater good of all parties involved.

Mei 13, 2020 deur Louis Awerbuck


Daar bestaan baie wanopvattings oor skisofrenie, asook wat die term “skisofrenie” eintlik beteken. Baie van hierdie wanopvattings bestaan omdat skisofrenie ‘n ingewikkelde siekte is om te verstaan, asook om te diagnoseer. Skisofrenie is ‘n ernstige kondisie van die brein waar mense die realiteit as anders as die gemiddelde persoon ervaar.

Desember 22, 2019 deur Louis Awerbuck

Die rol van die man in ‘n krisis?

Wat beteken dit in ons huidige samelewing om ‘n man te wees? Wat ís die rol van ‘n man? Dit is deesdae baie moeilik om ‘n man se rol te definieer. Feitlik al die definitiewe beskouings wat daar vantevore hieroor was, word nou bevraagteken of verwerp. Dit veroorsaak dat baie mans onseker voel, depressief raak en al meer geïsoleerd raak.

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